Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween. It is happy.

I have been crazy slack lately. I didn't do a special update for Valentines Day, the comic's anniversary or my birthday... but I'll be damned if I miss a Halloween update.

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So let's get to it. The first panel features Irving dressed as a Corporate Ninja from Sam and Fuzzy and Scott dressed as While Ninja, about to do battle over a Namir Deiter brand pinata. Normally I don't "repeat" comics for costumes but Sam and Fuzzy was only used in my first Halloween special back in 2003, and that costume just plain sucked. So consider this a do-over.

In the second panel we have from left to right;
Jason dressed as Blazeguy from Awesome Storm Justice 41
Svetlana dressed as Mitzi from Lackadaisy
Vanilla dressed as Wonderella from the comic of the same name, how convenient!
Mycroft dressed as Lancaster from Lancaster the Ghost Detective (which is in it's final chapter so GO READ IT NOW)
and Harley dressed as Kimiko Ross from Dresden Codak.

As always, the likenesses (and in some cases poses) used in this comic are meant as parody and tribute to great comics. I don't tell the artists I've done this, but I hope that if someone does mention it on one of their forums or something that they enjoy it and don't hate me forever. That would make me cry.

Rico seriously add this shit. I need posting powers if I want to be a contributing member.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Come on play with me play with me.

Last night I danced with a DJ.
Come on play with me play with me now.

Hey Rico, this is my comic blog. It is for comics. And sketches. Add this shit.